Friday, March 26, 2010

I've been reading a few blogs now, they actually write in theirs! I was all like CRAP! I know I don't have to, but I guess if I ever want to sound smart then I better start typing.

Well basically I love animation with a passion, specifically traditional. My goal in life (right now anyway) is to direct/produce a hand animated TV show here in the USA. We all know that our shows are animated in countries that offer the cheapest prices, which, if you ask me, has down graded our cartoon shows into streamlined products instead of artistic fun.

Worry not however, this blog isn't dedicated to complaining, this is me putting my voice out about what I think animation is and what it means to me. I'll be wrong most of thew time because I'm self taught, but I'll get back into school and slowly my drawings will be worth looking at! So stay tooned! In the meantime look at the Samurai Hamster